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24/7 HOTLINE:   The phone listed above is answered by someone who is in recovery.   In order to protect your confidentiality and anonymity - we do not have an answering services on this phone.  If we are awake - we answer the phone.  All calls are 100 % confidential and we are not connected with law enforcement in any way.   


Phone Meetings:  To further protect your anonymity, and safety, we do not list the location of meetings online.  We have to keep out reporters, pimps, cops, etc.  If you saw the undercover video done of someone at Planned Parenthood or ACORN, then you will appreciate we're protecting you from such a violation.   This means if you're a new member, you will have to attend our phone/online meetings at first to protect you and everyone in the group.  Once you've become established,  we will then connect you to a local meeting.


Program Design Consultation - think of it like this - if you're going to launch a program for alcoholics wouldn't you invite Bill Wilson to assist you with it's design?   What would you think of someone who didn't?   

We've seen countless programs "come and go" over 30 years and most we could pinpoint why. An example - in 2007 the ATLAS program was given $1,200,000 in money to help Nevada sex trafficking victims.   The director refused all advice we offered and at the end of a year had NOT ONE case they'd helped.  It took Nevada another five years to get another penny in funding because of this horrible failure rate.   The programs we have consulted on - have very well as to their effectiveness rates.  Those who haven't - aren't around anymore.  



If you want to start your own local meeting, we have all of the materials you'd need.   It took us years to develop a format that "works" but we have one now.   You can also start these meetings in a jail, residential program, shelter, etc.   We have materials to help you set up a "remote" meeting led by one of our "older" members, or to have a counselor host the meetings where there's a shortage of SWA members  who can host the meeting.   We have "kits" also that include everything own to the keytags.


I can show you case after case for both the defense and the prosecution where if we had been brought in as an expert we could have turned that case around.  Another good point is in EACH of the cases where deception/fraud was involved - we were not included.   




For jails, prisons, residential programs, etc. we have a "mail order step study program".  This way you can be "working the steps" from one through 12 with an older member while being completely "anonymous".  We can do this with an individual, or ship a "kit" to a facility so the materials are on hand for the inmates/clients.  We are looking at bringing this program to the jail/prison "commissary".  


Are you a social worker, counselor, police officer, outreach worker, or someone who is working with people trying to leave the sex industry and also find recovery and you'd like to improve your ability to communicate with them, as well as to increase your ability to help them change their behavior?  If you're finding those you're working with "resistant" or just unable to change their behavior and/or thinking - we can show you proven methods we've learned.  



Watch shows like "Intervention" and "Celebrity Rehab" when they bring on prostitutes.  You'll see they do not end well or successful.  That's because we don't hit "bottoms" the way a male addict does.  If you want help to plan an intervention that will WORK - you can get a consultation from us for this.

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